Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weekly Update 1/19/14

Hello Everyone!

If you aren't already, please allow your students to read these e mails!  Thank you!

We just had our Eval show on Saturday and everyone did really well!  It feels good to get our first performance out of our systems and now most of us know what to expect out of a competition.  

Here is our schedule for the week:

Tuesday:  3:30 - 6:00 p.m.  AFHS  Please note the change.  We will be trying on our uniforms.  We may get done earlier- but please don't plan on leaving until 6:00.
Wednesday: 6:00-7:45 a.m.  AFJH

Please take the time off of school to really practice.  If you feel like you have run out of things to do here is a list to keep in mind:  
1. Tosses
2. Any basics including drop spins to double time and our Tendu - plie  exercises
3. Flag feature focusing on all of the checkpoints
4.  Just counting to the song and knowing your entrances and exits without looking at others.  You can do this by "watching" the youtube videos with your eyes closed and open them when you think you enter to check if you are right.

The Judges really like our show and the direction it is going. We have a couple changes to make and then it is crunch time for learning new choreography!  Come to rehearsal rested and ready to learn learn learn

Thank you for all of your hard work.  It is really starting to paying off. 

AF B Guard Staff.

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