Saturday, December 21, 2013

Weekly Update Dec 21st

Hello Parents and Students!

Here is the schedule for this week: 
Saturday Dec 28th  8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at  AFHS.  
We will most likely have a gym so please meet in the band room a little before 8 so we can all walk down to the gym together.  

This week we worked a lot on controlling our movement and flag tosses.  Please practice this week while you don't have rehearsal, even if it is 10 minutes a day.  Please make sure you have the choreography down and your tosses improved by Saturday.

If you haven't purchased a flag bag through the Jr. High, please remember that you will need to make one by the end of the month.  I am going to put specific criteria on the blog by tomorrow.  If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.  

Also remember to have your "homework" done by the 30th. For your wedding "dream board"  Please have drawings or magazine cut outs of your ideal:  dress, bouquet, ring, colors, venue etc etc.  Be creative and have fun!   This is to help us get into character for our show "I Do"  by Colbie Caillat

Thank you for the great week.  Our first camp was really effective and we had a lot of fun.  Enjoy this week off with your family and take care of yourselves!

B Guard Staff

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